Anti-Phishing & Scam Protection

Unless you have been living in a cave in Montana, then you definitely know that information security in our government agencies and Corporations across the world is failing. With data breaches at epidemic proportions it’s no wonder why officers of companies are being fired left and right because of poor security practices. Phishing often tops the list of why companies get hacked.

PT Barnum once said that ‘there is a sucker born every minute’, but I’m not sure if he is correct. I think there is a sucker in all of us (you and me, no offense!), meaning we are all susceptible to being scammed. This post “Confidence Crimes: Be Aware and Stay Safe” is the best way for you to recognize your vulnerabilities and how to maintain a higher level of scam awareness.

On that note, you definitely want to determine is your employees are the problem and this post “Are Your Employees Putting Your Company at Risk?” will set them straight.

While hardware and software are designed to protect a network, an axiom in the security industry is “corporate networks are like candy bars, they are hard on the outside and soft and chewy on the inside”. That means your employees are the path of least resistance for criminals to access your data. These two posts “10 Surefire Staff Security Awareness Techniques” and “Is Your Small Business Staff Trained in Security Awareness?” will help your organization jumpstart its security awareness initiatives.

Often the most successful way criminals penetrate an organization is through the scam called Phishing. A phishing email may look like it’s coming from a government agency, business, or any organization that you know, like and trust. The most successful scam is when it seems like it’s coming from a co-worker. This post “The Phishing Trip You Should Probably Skip” will enlighten you to how phishing works.

Security awareness training goes beyond knowing what to click and what not to click, and being aware of phishing emails. But there’s also a huge problem with employees bringing their own devices to work. This post “Mobile Phone Numbers Are as Sensitive as Your Social Security Number” might scare the heck out of you, but sometimes being a little freaked out is a good thing.